Prospectus and Enrolments


2019-studio-set-up.jpg | Irish Enrolments Highland Dance Scottish Cairns

The City of Cairns Highland and Irish Dancers offer professional and experienced tuition in Highland and Irish Dancing for Lassies and Lads.  The Academy has just completed 35 Years of operation in Cairns.

   Fully Equipped and Air Conditioned Studio - 44 Lazarus Street, Bungalow  Qld  4870 (Cnr Lazarus and Morehead Street)

Postal Address: P O Box 769, REDLYNCH  QLD  4870 

Email: [email protected]

  Extra classes are held to prepare students for forthcoming competitions and displays as required.

Student Registration

Highland  - All students learning Highland Dancing are registered with the Far North Queensland Regional Committee of Highland Dancing.  Registrations are due as at 1st January anually.

New Students must forward a copy of Birth Certificate together with $40 Registration Fee with their Application for Enrolment.  The RSOBHD/ABHDI Pre-Premier Registration Scheme form (Pre-Premier New Starter Form) must be read and signed by Parents/Guardians when student enrolment form is completed.  

Existing students must return their Registration Cards and their Registration Renewal Fee of $40.

Irish - All students learning Irish Dancing are registered with the Australian Irish Dancing Association Inc - registration is via AIDA Inc Website.  AIDA Inc Website will go live for 2022 Irish Dancer Registrations very soon.  Students will be advised when the website is taking 2023 Registrations.

Communication - It is important to us that we communicate freely and easily with our parents.  We ask that enrolment forms be completed annually to ensure that our records are kept up to date.